Musical Chairs messed with my mojo

I loved playing musical chairs in my early years. Whether it was the running around, the competitiveness, or the music that created the delight I cannot recall. I just loved playing the game and can still picture  one or two in my mind. You likely remember the drill. Chairs are set up inside a circle... Continue Reading →

What’s in the Murse

First, let’s get a few things out of the way. A “murse” is a man’s purse. Typically (no woke welcome here) women carry a purse and men, a murse. Years ago in response to my frustration at constantly losing my personal belongings Kathie gave me a murse, a carry-all of a size somewhere between a... Continue Reading →

Finally something truly important to write about

In Finland they are called ostoskori. In New Zealand they are called trundlers. Here in Canada the shopping cart or grocery buggy rules the long and straight aisles of store parking lots. The ubiquitous emblem of homeless persons, who carry jaw-dropping heaps of life possessions along city streets, grocery store shopping carts allow shoppers to... Continue Reading →

Juno’s bad hair day

Another reflection from Juno, Summerland’s 4 year-old Labradoodle blogger. Help me, please; I am having a bad hair day. In fact for the last week or so it has become evident to me and my MaPaw that I need grooming. The problem is that my former groomer has moved away. Despite MaPaw’s best efforts, a... Continue Reading →

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