Beacons of hope in a time of climate crisis

From an interview with Vatican News and the World Council of Churches In light of the recent data from Copernicus, the European Union's climate monitoring service, the video statement below from the World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay (World Environment Day, 5 June, 2024) is timely and concerning. In... Continue Reading →

Anglican Diocese of Kootenay Synod May 23-26 2024

Resources from the Social and Ecological Justice Working Group of the Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia/Yukon Online Landing Page What a mouthful; feel free to shorten this title to the acronym “SEJ.” It represents a small group of dedicated and creative Anglicans from most of the dioceses throughout the geographical Province of BC and... Continue Reading →


I make no apology for my cheesy title; it is a contemporary re-working of a traditional children’s song:  Old MacDonald had a farm; AI AI Oh. And yes, I thought it up all by myself! No AI involved—a product of my own warped imagination, more attuned to poetic scansion than content-rich technical analysis. You must... Continue Reading →

Mocha Muck

A new lifestyle series – From those who bring you Life in our Little Town, of Summerland It burps and it drips; it spits and it squirts. It is ubiquitous in our lives, whether in cities or small villages, locally in shops, schools, and workplaces, or on the road in the wastelands and watering holes... Continue Reading →

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