What’s in the Murse

First, let’s get a few things out of the way. A “murse” is a man’s purse. Typically (no woke welcome here) women carry a purse and men, a murse. Years ago in response to my frustration at constantly losing my personal belongings Kathie gave me a murse, a carry-all of a size somewhere between a... Continue Reading →

All before nine o’clock in the morning

Thoughts on the value and practice of a daily routine I love routines. I especially love my early morning routines, especially those I typically accomplish before nine o’clock in the morning. Why this precise time? Well the early Christian Apostles exhibited their spiritual enthusiasm at this very hour (ACTS 2:15). Good for them; good for... Continue Reading →


I make no apology for my cheesy title; it is a contemporary re-working of a traditional children’s song:  Old MacDonald had a farm; AI AI Oh. And yes, I thought it up all by myself! No AI involved—a product of my own warped imagination, more attuned to poetic scansion than content-rich technical analysis. You must... Continue Reading →

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