Happy Birthday Richard Howard — A lesson in forgiveness

Today is Provost Richard Howard’s birthday (born 12 June 1884).

Provost Richard Howard, led the ministry at Coventry Cathedral (UK) during WW2, and during the Coventry Blitz was one of four firefighters who went on the roof to try save the cathedral. The very next day, he stood in the ruins, still smouldering, and said “we will rebuild.”

Provost Richard Howard made a commitment to not seek revenge, but to strive for forgiveness and, ultimately, reconciliation with those responsible. After the Blitz, Reverend Richard Howard wrote the words “Father Forgive” which are now inscribed behind the altar, which at the time was seen to be very radical thinking, as we were still at war with Germany.

On his birthday, we pay homage to Provost Richard Howard of Coventry Cathedral who set an example for us all to follow, this message of reconciliation is still at the core of Coventry Cathedral’s mission and ministry. The message of reconciliation continues to inspire so many around the world. He taught us that forgiveness is possible – that we can all strive for a kinder, more Christ-like world.

You can read more about our story here.

Read about the Community of the Cross of Nails here.

Listen to the provost’s Christmas 1941 message from the BBC. Highly recommended.

Visit the CCN/Canada on Facebook.

Thanks to Stephanie Donaldson for the share on Facebook

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