All before nine o’clock in the morning

Thoughts on the value and practice of a daily routine

I love routines. I especially love my early morning routines, especially those I typically accomplish before nine o’clock in the morning. Why this precise time? Well the early Christian Apostles exhibited their spiritual enthusiasm at this very hour (ACTS 2:15). Good for them; good for me? Dennis and Rita Bennet published a popular book with a similar title in 1960, a text that inspired a charismatic renewal in the Episcopal Church.  A don’t feel sufficiently charismatic in the morning. For more, go here. My morning routines are admittedly less pious or exuberant—though I was a devoted member of Dean Robert Willis’ Garden Congregation described here.

What follows is my list as of Tuesday May 21, 2024 for your consideration and comparison of my personal, daily routines. While in roughly chronological order some daily variation is to be expected:

  1. I rise around 0530 awakened by a quiet alarm so as to not disturb others in the room (spouse and spouse’s dog);
  2. I boil the kettle and make coffee; resources are in place from the previous evening;
  3. Once warmer weather arrives I will sip coffee in the front courtyard which is daily growing in beauty due to Kathie’s green-thumb efforts;
  4. I check email and Facebook. Email includes daily postings from The Guardian, The New York Times, and only later in the day The Tyee. I sometimes listen to CBC radio but lately have chosen to look online instead. When I do listen to CBC Radio it is often on Tuesdays or Wednesdays in order to see what the mayor of Kamloops has been up to—a voyeuristic indulgence admitted;
  5. I play two word-games from the New York Times site—Wordle, and Connections;
  6. Wake spouse and spouse’s dog as quietly and gently as possible;
  7. I take my morning meds, except when I forget. I weigh myself only once a week (not doing all that well) and sometimes test my blood sugar (doing really well).
  8. I am working hard to brush my teeth; if I forget or avoid this early, I likely forget.
  9. I typically shower, or if stiff (Osteoarthritis) I take a bath;
  10. I dress, drawing on my extensive wardrobe of shorts, T-shirts, and socks. Do check out Take the Challenge! Buy Just Five Pieces of New Clothing a Year. I’ve got this covered;
  11. Empty dishwasher, but only after spouse and spouse’s dog are awake;
  12. Make some sort of breakfast;
  13. Hopefully discover that all electronics, including hearing-aids charged full during the night;
  14.  Review Google Calendar for the day and week;
  15. Find out when the Blue Jays play—a prayer is sometimes appropriate at this point.
  16. Check personal priorities list—if more than ten listed, consider returning to bed;
  17. If preaching the following Sunday, consider ideas and illustrations.
  18. Repeat the above daily. Do it all again the next day, preferably prior to nine o’clock in the morning.

2 thoughts on “All before nine o’clock in the morning

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  1. I have to my daily exercise (walk/swim/cyle—pick one) before nine or it won’t happen. I can always think of something I HAVE to do and forget about my healthy routines after nine. The last little while I have been enjoying the Daily Prayer app from CofE. I can listen to that while I walk or get breakfast sorted or have my morning tea. So yes….I agree that before 9am is the best part of my day.

    ps Have you tried an electric toothbrush? I am semi-addicted to mine.


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