Anglican Diocese of Kootenay Synod May 23-26 2024

Resources from the Social and Ecological Justice Working Group of the Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of British Columbia/Yukon

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What a mouthful; feel free to shorten this title to the acronym “SEJ.” It represents a small group of dedicated and creative Anglicans from most of the dioceses throughout the geographical Province of BC and Yukon who have done a few things over the last few years, some very interesting and relevant to our times of climate crisis, especially around the theme of pilgrimage.

The ancient spiritual practice of Pilgrimage has become for us and many others a way of integrating contemporary concern for the environment and our planet, with a historical spirituality based on hopeful and physical journey. We draw upon the rites of our church, the thoughts of scholars and teachers, a desire for community at local and parish levels, and a love of the outdoors. All these have come together in pilgrimage events in places as diverse as The Sorrento Centre, southern Vancouver Island, the dioceses of Caledonia and Kootenay (especially in the Central Okanagan). Unique adventures have occurred in Vancouver’s downtown east side and in a watershed restoration project in Fort Langley.

Precise dates for events in 2024 are forthcoming. For now, enjoy these resources, and stay in touch. Email me here for updates.

PILGRAMAGE — Spirituality on the move — Resources for 2024

An all-in-one handbook for pilgrimage planning including liturgy, music, background notes, experiential reflections, and book suggestions.

Why Pilgrimage? Why Now?
A personal (1979) experience by Ken Gray

Images and daily journal from Sorrento pilgrimage 2022
Blessings as you go
One foot forward
A sensational Tuesday
And in the end

Pilgrimages elsewhere and everywhere
Climb every mountain               Alecia Greenfield
Close to home                            Wally Eamer
Jumping into stewardship         Roy and Sue Cline
Walking our Prayer                    Kingsway Deanery, Vancouver
Rushbrooke Trail                       Louise Peters (Caledonia)

A Sample Pilgrimage in the Diocese of New Westminster from which you can devise your own pilgrimage for 2024

Creation care success stories (non-pilgrimage)
The Gift Farm Garden (Kelowna)
Charismatic Creation A Pentecost sermon (Summerland)
Good question Robin Wall Kimmerer (author of Braiding Sweetgrass)
Tree Talking Listen to the woods near you
Love Letters A sermon for the 6th Sunday of Easter (Penticton)


The Creation Care Justice Network (CCJN) was founded as a ministry in the Diocese of Massachusetts by Bishop Suffragan Bud Cedarholm after the Diocesan Convention endorsed the Genesis Covenant in 2010. We have a record of advocacy for climate-related actions at the diocesan level, including local adoption of the 6th promise of the Baptismal Covenant and passage of several resolutions related to the environment, climate justice, and divestiture of fossil fuel investments.

An Episcopal Path to Creation Justice (the Path) is a project of the grassroots Creation Care Justice Network of the Dioceses of Massachusetts and Western Massachusetts. We are inspired by the call of the Episcopal Covenant to Care of Creation for dioceses to develop contextual resources for Prayer and Formation, Advocacy, and Action, as well as by programs from ecumenical partners such as the UCC Creation Justice Churches and UU Green Sanctuaries.

Interested in joining CCJN? We meet online twice monthly, and we welcome new volunteers. Email us at

Finally, send us articles and records of your events. Creator, from the depth and breadth of creation, we thank you!

Cathy Haig, and Austin Spry, Kootenay representatives to SEJ
with Ken Gray (Anglican Communion Environmental Network-Canada)

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